Woke up this morning thinking, "Hey I was GOOD yesterday!"
About dieting, of course.... as First John 1 says, none
of us are "good". I got pretty impatient at some __ drivers...:}
Then remembered: "Oh yeah, I had the cheap buffet at lunch..."
I WAS good about sorta countering mid-day calories by
having coffee and just a few calories for supper, but the
day was still just normal... not losing-weight good.
So my next thought was "I always wrote down everything I ate
back when I was losing weight. Even if my thyroid still isn't
working right, I'd still probably 'succeed' more if I did that again."
At least, I'd know whether or not I had reason for disappointment
on the scale! So....... that's what I decided to start doing.
But for now -- spare room needed cleaning.
FIRST BOX -- I kid you not, the FIRST box I opened to sort
contained a barely used calendar book I'd recorded calories in
back in 2007 .... but only the first 3 months. (Musta lost it!)
So NOW there's no "a good record book costs too much" excuse!
and I'm still waiting for Dictionary writers
to smarten up and add a common TRUE word: It's another
God's Supporting Word
Another Joy for us Dieters:
I thank You so much for all You have done, do, shall do --
FIRST CORINTHIANS 10: 13 Click HERE to see many versions
"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
God still gives us free will
to turn down His help.
To reject King God and put Self on the throne.
PRAYERand most of all for Who You are, Your character of caring and help.
I pray as Jesus promised I could In John 14: 26-27, dear Holy Spirit,
Please help me! I don't really know how to pray right... Romans 8: 26.
And I sure need Your help to obey you... Romans 7.
Thank you that Romans 7 always leads to Romans 8! I love You!
©2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website. But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
With thanks to BlueLetterBible.org for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.
Additional encouraging resources at