Saturday, February 8, 2014

Envying Sea Gulls Dieting Parable ..... by DianaDee Osborne

Ever felt like just giving up?
Just too weary to keep fighting temptation?
Telling God, "I sure hope You forgive, because I just can't...."
Yesterday warn't a good day,   as Grandmom would say.
Kept fighting temptation against chocolate chip ice cream... and the chips won.
Obviously a cup or so can be fitted into  any diet plan.  But.....
I kept apologizing to God before, that I was so weary of being tempted.
I kept apologizing to God after, that I was so weary of giving IN to temptations.

I tried to write some Bible studies work, and fell asleep mid-afternoon.
I apologized to God for being lazy.
I tried to awaken my mind watching a NATURE show on TV.
I found myself envying the flocks of sea gulls,  thinking
   at least they don't have to keep fighting temptations 
      to over-eat.  They don't gain weight despite hours at gym.

And then 
    I apologized to God for complaining about how He made me.
Around 9 PM I realized -- I'd been having a nagging headache above my nose all day....
       and I remembered noticing that the trees are already putting out red pollen buds.
               First week in February, and the pollen is about to blast us.
So it was a bit of a comfort from God to
see the reason why I've been so tempted to overeat today --
  not just self-centered-ness,  
      but trying to overcome physical pain 
                  I hadn't even noticed.... physical tiredness 
                           that I wasn't really aware of.

It's easier to REFUSE to give up when we realize why we're tempted to give up.
Back to WISDOM -- When we ask God's help,  He helps.
And I forgot until tonight to pray for God's help.
Too embarrassed that -- yet again -- I was fighting to keep self-control.
         As soon as I prayed,  I realized that I'd been eating to try to feel better....

And there's a comfort,  a feeling better,  in seeing the reason why temptations are harder
sometimes.  A comfort in seeing the reason God does help and give wisdom when we ask:
Because,  like a loving earthly father,  He really does want to help us.   James 1:5 and 6
Doesn't want us to be so bogged down
        that we envy sea gulls.          

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, 
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
-- Galatians 6:9,   a verse for ANY struggle.  A PROMISE from God for ANY struggle.
                                                      CLICK HERE    to read multiple versions  
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; 
May the LORD rejoice in His works....
 I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.  May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD"  -- Psalm 104: 31, 33, 34.  

LORD GOD, please continue to forgive my self-centeredness, though I don't deserve it.  I truly DO LOVE You, even when I've yet again given in to temptations.  You deserve so much -- and in the midst of my selfishness,  I still KNOW that ONLY YOU are God, not me,  and I truly WANT to give You pleasure.   

Please help me.... and help me endure in WANTING to keep fighting this battle against anything that does NOT give you pleasure. Including gluttony. That word I detest so much. Please help me remember YOU detest the selfishness of it..
©2013 DianaDee Osborne;  all rights reserved.  But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!