Learned interesting things in fun 2009 movie JULIE AND JULIA: Like:
All thru movie, rather lonely American diplomat's wife
Julia Child (famous chef for Mastering the Art of French Cooking... a book written because she couldn't find any books written in English in Paris!)
is telling her husband & 2 new friends in Paris
what her friend Avis DeVoto in America has written to
Encourage when she's down,
encourage to keep up cooking lessons
despite difficulties especially with the owner
who detests her & hopes she'll fail miserably.
Not til the end do we learn:
Julia has NEVER MET her dear friend Avis.
Avis was a pen pal to whom she had
written for years, without ever actually meeting.
Those who BELIEVE God is Creator of entire universe
and logic-ally has power to CONTROL
His own Bible...
and logic-ally believe words of the scriptures
2nd Timothy 3:16 logic
are dearly encouraged by our Friend and LORD:
Jesus, if we dearly seek to obey Him, in love (John 15).
His Words encourage us when we're down
or just need to know we're loved.
His Words offer advice.. especially
"Keep Going! You'll Be Fine!"
Even when people & Satan (Jesus said: John 10:10 a)
detest us
& hope we'll fail miserably.
Even when we've NEVER MET our dear friend Jesus.
I *feel* so discouraged sometimes, including in dieting, including if I don't lose weight after what I am sure
was careful eating and enough exercise.
And sometimes it does seem that other mock me... laugh when
I've been excited about a success but then seem to fail yet again.
That saddens me. Help me to be like You, to not hold grudges... to
forgive others AND myself, and just START AGAIN from the point where I am.
To not give up on THIS diet,
or on THIS work You have begun in me!
I ask your Holy Spirit's help to more and more reflect YOU... 2nd Corinthians 3:18.
I THANK You, LORD, for ALL Your o-so-many words of encouragement
in your scriptures. Words like Philippians 1:6 < ^ CLICK FOR LINKs
I can be
" confident of this very thing, that
He who has begun a good work in [me]
will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"!
I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace. With LOVE and THANKS
©2015 (by DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.
FREE personal usage; see website.
** But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
Contact via: https://www.facebook.com/dianadee.osborne
With thanks to BlueLetterBible.org for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format. Additional encouraging resources at
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