I got some really GREAT BAD news from the doctor this week:
1. bad... new tests show my thyroid still is barely responding to all medications.
2. bad... the number for my cholesterol level is high, but...
3. good... the 'good' cholesterol is so high (which is good), that it ...
4. good... makes the total number look falsely real bad. Plus now ....
5. ... the doctor knows I'm not lying about working out hard at the gym without...
6. ... being able to lose weight though eating right .....
And so it goes.
Have you ever noticed, any time we get good news,
seems like something bad is sure to come and offset any good news?
Guess that's why they say "Bad Luck Comes in Threes."
And I guess that's why they say "I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."
Ya know, I never DID understand that one. Drop from WHERE? WHOSE shoe?
Should've asked Grandmother.... Anyway....
That's Romans 7 and 8 in a parable nutshell.
1. Bad news..... we sin. (Check First John 1 if you're adding up your good points.)2. Bad news... God is HOLY, so sinners cannot live with Him in heaven.
3. Good.... Jesus died on a cross to save us... me... from eternal hell.
4. GREAT ... all I have to do is pray (and really mean) Romans 10:9.
5. WONDERFUL! "You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God" (Romans 7:4 New Living Translation.)
6. Bad.... but now that I see all Jesus did for me,
I REALLY want to stop sinning.
I really want to stop being self-centered.
I REALLY want to stop overeating and overshopping and gossiping and being proud when I SUCCEED in my diet, etc ---
simply because that HURTS our wonderful LORD.
7. Worse and Worse .... But the more I TRY to "be good", the more I fail! Miserably!
We are REDEEMED sinners! That means:Jesus paid our debt on the Cross so that we can humbly thank and worship Him and serve Him -- share His REALLY GREAT bad news Truth with others.... and one day live with Him through eternity.
"But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is:
" In my mind I really want to obey God's law,
but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin."
-- Paul in Romans 7 at the end.
John 8: Jesus came to set us FREE from the results of our sins.... if we believe Him.
First Corinthians 10:13, God WILL free us from temptations, if we ask.
LORD God, I truly am sorry for how often I give in to temptations. For how often I hurt you AND do not show others what a wonderful LORD you are. Please help me have the words to share with others, as your promised in John 14: 26 and 27. Thank You!
©2012 DianaDee Osborne; all rights reserved. But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
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