Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Seek Great Bad News for Your Diet, ..... by DianaDee Osborne

December 19

I loved poetry college courses.  How can you NOT  ace
a paper where you're asked for your OPINION  on
"What does the fast-flowing stream across the rocks symbolize?
 I mean -- they're Opinions.  How can one be right or wrong???
Some professors figure a way, though.   (Seen it.)
And I have enough self-confidence to stand when professional opinions are against mine...

so  nowadays,   I'd probably flunk. 
I'd reply "Maybe the poet was just sitting by the waters on a gorgeous day and decided to
record the beauty in a poem instead of with a camera.

I TRULY have heard of a famous poet who was told something like "We love the way you used the rushing waters to symbolize how quickly life flows by!"  -- and the poet replied,  "No.  I liked the water's beauty and just wrote pretty words about it."

Here's my point for YOUR diet:
Are you assuming your own opinion is right and you just keep 
gaining weight because you over - ate?
Or are you adopting the opinion of doctors who tell you that?
Resulting in slamming yourself with blame?   DON'T!    KEEP SEEKING ANSWERS,  and
praying (KEEP praying, don't give up until you hear God's answer)  for James 1:5-6 guidance from God,  if you honestly are gaining more than the
amount of overeating you are doing.   (Because we all overeat when discouraged that we kept gaining while being hungry and denying ourselves.)

In yesterday's blog, I said I consider it 
really GREAT   BAD news from the doctor 
that new tests show my thyroid still is barely responding to all medications.
Why?   Because -- for 3 years -- doctors were telling me that I kept gaining because
     1-   I was eating more calories than I thoughy.
     2-   Telling me I was eating more than I thought because I was depressed.
Never mind that I was filled with joy at all the songs God was gifting to me to develop.
Never mind the 5 hours plus per week at the gym.
After much seeking -- and having reached a point of  NOT  EXPECTING to find an answer,
but with prayers thinking that God would want me to try at least a couple more time,
     I finally found one doctor who believed me,
     who guided me to Dr. S --- who believed me,
     who guided me to the specialist Dr. V --- who took the SAME blood tests but looked for
DIFFERENT  components indicating things about my body.

God made our bodies complicated.
They are yet another EVIDENCE of a divine creator.   And  they change over time.
So pray for wisdom and seriously consider
going to see a doctor who specializes in HELPING you SEEK   bad news -- to find out IF  your metabolism is slower than normal....
        so you can begin the steps that GOD guided
     doctors to find as part of our body's healing process. 

First Corinthians 12:  8,  different people have different gifts from God. We're allowed to ask for one.  WHY?   So we can help OTHERS  (verse 7),  as I pray this blog might help you.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit [of all]:
for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit..." 

Promised in James 1:5 and 6 -- If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
Father God, it is so easy for me to get discouraged.  And that -- itself -- discourages and embarrasses me.  How can I doubt Your promises of help after all you've done?  Please forgive me.  Please help me to have the energy to KEEP seeking Truth not only about you, but also about how to help this physical body You have entrusted to me.  So that I can do what you said in First Corinthians 12:7 -- to go and encourage other persons with struggles I've experienced and guide them to know You shall help in.  If they ask.   As You continue to help me.  If I continue to humbly ask.

©2012 DianaDee Osborne;  all rights reserved.  But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!

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