Thursday, March 5, 2015

More of God's Grace also for Dieters! - by DianaDee Osborne

MARCH 5  followup to the 
scriptures on my March 3rd blog: CLICK for links.  Exodus 34: 5-10
and March 4th's details on God's Name, the first 7 ways that 
GOD tells us He is mercy-filled yearning for us to be saved.
LONG before "The New Testament". Including for any kind of self-centered 
sins, from gossip & gluttony to what we call "big" sins (but God doesn't).

 (2 Peter 3:91 Timothy 2:4, and of course John 3:16 AND 17). 

God PROCLAIMED  HIS  OWN  NAME  with these 13 descriptions of His grace:

Exodus 34: 5 - 10, LORD God defining His own grace 13 ways. (New KJV)         
And the LORD passed before him [Moses] and proclaimed,
=====  described in yesterday's blog (March 4th) ===== 
1.  "The LORD,   (YHWH)
2.   the LORD      ( * really really*  YHWH)
3.   God,   (Elohim or El) - Creator King
4.   merciful -  rachum
5.  and  gracious, -   chanan - shows grace and mercy.
6.  and  longsuffering,    -  erek apayim - long suffering

7.  abounding in goodness  - rav chesed = loving kindness and mercy to both righteous AND unrighteous people.... 
a JOY-FILLED Name of God for us all.......
whether or not we deserve it.

8.    and abounding in truth,  --- THIS IS SO SO COOL!  The Hebrew word  is emet.  Hebrew transliterates letters, which means that this word =   the letters:       alef     mem     tav.
alef = the first letter in the alphabet           (hebrew alephbeth)
mem = the middle letter
tav = the last letter.
So BY GOD'S OWN WORD in HIS language of Hebrew,
God defines that  
Can't get more thorough TRUTH than that! 
9.    keeping mercy for thousands,  -- Hebrew notzier chesed l'alafim
means that  this is not 1000s of people or years,
but 1000s of GENERATIONS of people!  That assuredly includes you and me.

10.  forgiving iniquity - Hebrew nosei avon =   God forgiving intentional sin.
There is NO SACRIFICE for intentional sin.... Hebrews 10:26 repeated what God already said.  But when we "come to our right minds" and humbly urge God to forgive us,  He does!  That's AMAZING!
That's like a child DELIBERATELY grabbing your beloved glass dish that you were given by your grandmother who got it from hers.... that you've celebrated many Thanksgiving dinners with...... 
and deliberate smashing  it into a 1000 pieces  just to hurt you.
God forgives our intentional plan and carrying through doing something we
KNOW He said not to.... that we KNOW will hurt Him with our disobedience after all of His love for us.

11. and  [forgiving] transgression  - nosei pesha  -- forgiving rebellious sins we did just because God said not to.... just to show "I can do whatever I want".
The child hiding your beloved glass dish in the back yard......
12.  and  [forgiving]  sin  - nosei chata'ah   --    No matter how much we love our LORD God, we sometimes do    missed-the-mark   sins.  The Mark  is what God said to do.... we call them commandments.  As First John One says, we all do this.  If we say we don't, we are adding the horrendous sin that God HATES -- lying.  (The last sin listed in His Book of Revelation, by the way.
The child who was running in the house and knocked the dish off the table......

13.   by no means clearing [the guilty]...." -- Yet God cleans the guilty who repent; see Jeremiah 31:29's description of God's  nakeh  grace.  
People call God unmerciful.  Does it not give you JOY  to know that God CARES when people hurt each other.... when people are self-centered and do anything they want  AND never even notice that this is wrong because they're confident in their personal rights to do anything they want?  
The person who thinks he or she had the right to choose to 
viciously beat or even kill the child......

Will God forgive you and me yet AGAIN   
    for choosing  to  do a sin?  
                This Exodus 34 QUOTE BY GOD       
The answer is:     YES If you & I humbly 
repent & ask Him to.  First John One. 
Caution: Natural consequences still come....   

LORD GOD,  Your Grace is AMAZING indeed.... just like the ancient song says!
When I remember it,   I renew my prayers for Your Help and forgiveness as I try to stop making wrong choices of ANY type, whether food or drink or shopping or lying or gossiping or any kind of self-centered-ness.  From my heart, I thank you for your forgiveness.... and still I ask You to help me stop.  Romans 8 is my hope:  You'll help if I ask.  And I dearly WANT to stop hurting You,  my LORD God.  THANK YOU for your GRACE that YOU YOURSELF named for yourself 100s of years before You sent Jesus.  I do love You!


BASIC HEBREW   INFORMATION provided by Rick Blankenship, fellowship leader of
Grafted in Fellowship.  See the Past Teachings tab file for Mar 2, 2013 (two files) at:  
©2013, 2015 (registered with USCO) by DianaDee Osborne (all material),  
all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.
** But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format. Additional encouraging resources at

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