Friday, March 15, 2013

Tornado Warning Dieting Parable ....... by DianaDee Osborne

The sky had blackened and the rain started pelting my windshield during the few miles since I'd left home to go pray & practice music at church that Tuesday morning.  Sheets made the curvy road harder to see, and I noticed that no one else was out driving.  My cell phone jingled--- that sound I had set for text messages.  Both hands on the wheel, I ignored it.

Then the cell phone jingled again.  I pulled over into a turn lane for a moment to see if someone really needed me to call.  No.  Both messages were County-sent Tornado Warnings.  Not a tornado watch that conditions were favorable, but warnings that a tornado was quite possible.

I completed the journey, slowly, and noticed as I dashed into the sanctuary in the pouring rain that vans were parked on the far side of the church.  A Preschool Moms  meeting.

I went the full length of the church through its many hallways and called over the leader to say "I just wanted to check that you know we're under a tornado warning."  She laughed and said, "oh, it's just a  county-wide  drill.  They sent out word that it's just a drill."  
(Only after I left the church did my cell phone have THAT message!)
I was rather embarrassed.                        

But there was no need to be.  Better to be wrong when warning someone you care about,  than for them to be hurt because you were more concerned about your time or possibility of being embarrassed.

Christians leaders differ on whether or not overeating is a sin... after all,  it's not an orgy like Paul was talking about when he was speaking of people "whose god is their belly."  So maybe I'm wrong.  
But it surely seems logical that it would be a sin that
I often think more about my next snack than about my joy in God alone.......
LORD GOD,  I pray for James 1:5 wisdom so that I do indeed live the way You want me to be.  Help me to be more ashamed of refusing to risk speaking about you -- even to myself -- than of living in my self-centered bitty little world.

God's Supporting Word
Proverbs 3: 5-6.  "Trust in the LORD with all your might, and do not lean on your own understanding.  
IN ALL YOUR WAYS   [this includes food choices]
acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths."

©2013 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.  But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.
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