Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Contingency Planning Dieting - by DiansDee Osborne

APRIL 7                                                                       SUBSCRIBE  
You know you're gonna have them:
Moments when you can't stand dieting anymore.
Moments when Life is so frustrating
that you're going to eat SOMETHING to try to feel better.

What to do? Give up dieting?
Of course not.
Like everything:  JUST PLAN AHEAD.
Set up a contingency plan.... Decide IN ADVANCE what you will eat
when feelings make you want to quit...
By planning ahead, you'll be more in control.
Even if you follow the plan only awhile and then chuck it,
you'll be more likely to return... because you DID have success for awhile!

Suggested ideas that help me and others:
First -- Consider going for a walk, playing music,
calling a friend, writing a letter, writing in a JOURNAL (even if on computer),
playing with a pet, writing out some of your history for a future Christmas gift....

If these still don't stop your yearnings to eat:

1.  Consider high protein, which helps stop hunger and can be lower calorie:
- Eggs fixed anyway - except not with butter!, 
- Pan fried (1/2 water with the oil) chicken breast strips,
- Lower sugar meal substitute drinks like Boost >>  I dilute mine with coffee and ice. 
- Handful of shredded mozzarella cheese, eaten in strips. (Is rather low fat for cheese.)

2.  Consider some fat, which helps stop cravings --
adjust salt downward if blood pressure is not toward low end of normal:
- Microwave POPPER popcorn (not premix packages with additives). BONUS:
       The high fiber will help fill you up.
- lean beef or turkey jerky 
- Nitrite-free sliced turkey on English muffin- more chewy than bread.

3.  Plan ahead what sweets are healthier, like these that help me:
- Yogurt... even the kinds with M&Ms or cookies; stir in some PLAIN for less sugar.
         BONUS:  Greek yogurt is high protein, more filling.
- Faster cooking (3-5 minutes) PLAIN oatmeal: Stir in a bit of preserves
         or maple syrup for bit of sweetness... or honey.

Follow your own doctor's advice of course, or your food preferences....
The basic concept is:
When we plan ahead, it is NOT failure, 
any more than keeping a spare tire is.
It's just another STRATEGY 
in our adventure journey of learning to
more and more REFLECT our LORD God to other people....

and His Holy Spirit promises that He will help us reflect God (2nd Corinthians 3:18)
and give us WISDOM  (James 1:5),
and HELP US PRAY   (Romans 8:26)
and HELP US REMEMBER all Jesus's Teachings >> John 14:26. JESUS said so!

LORD GOD,  I so much understand Romans 7...       Click for Link
I keep trying and failing so often... But I CONFIDENTLY know that
all Your promises of Romans 8 are true!                     Click for Link
Help me have wisdom to plan ahead, I pray.                  
I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace.

©2015 (by DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved.  
FREE personal usage; see website.
** But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
Contact via:  https://www.facebook.com/dianadee.osborne
With thanks to BlueLetterBible.org  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.  Additional encouraging resources at 

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