Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winter Storms Dieting Parable - by DianaDee Osborne

February 11                                                                                      SUBSCRIBE  
Winter storms  are predicted all along the East Coast of the U.S.
Power outages as snow melts and re-freezes are predicted too.

I've collected buckets of water, and pitchers of drinking water.
I brought in firewood and collected some more dry kindling from the woods.
Checked my batteries supply... ok. Checked all the flashlights.
     I had already trimmed the wicks of the Hurricane kerosine lamps after last use... Ready.
Plenty of catfood, bread and milk. 
Got my supply of books I HOPE to be able to read thanks to not being able to leave home!

Find myself wondering:
Think of all the people over centuries who got surprised by storms!
         Here we are  with two days of warning.
How did they manage? 

They STAYED prepared. All winter.
And if the storm never came, then, ah well: 
        They rested in readiness.     

When you think about it:  That's what a DIET is.
Preparation  for whatever God has ahead for us.
Doing lots of work-- yes--- without any full idea what good it will do...
But RESTING in the readiness of knowing that when storms of life come,
      we've done the best we could to prepare... sacrificed time exercising...
             sacrificed  "comfort food" we would have loved... All to be READY for God.
 God's Supporting Word 
“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected...
If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward."
-- Matthew 24: 44, 46            CLICK HERE FOR LINK      
LORD GOD,  It is SO easy to keep thinking "I'll do it tomorrow... next week..."
Whether it's a task I know I should do to be in Your will,
or choosing to eat wisely.
Please help me to remember:  EVENTUALLY this Time You have gifted to me will end.
Please help me to do what is right:  TO PREPARE,  as You said.

Including taking care of this body.  I dearly, desperately need Your help overcoming
my self-centered desires for "what I want when I want it."
I give You permission, give You this request, to keep reminding me to Follow You.
John 15 OBEDIENCE, to You as my Friend as well as my Savior and my God.

©2014, 2015 by DianaDee Osborne (all material),  
all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.
** But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format. Earlier format published 11 Feb 2014. Additional encouraging resources at