Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Head Cold Diet Parable Sorta ........ by DianaDee Osborne

I am blessed:  I very very (very) seldom am sick.  So when the sore throat on just one side started last Thursday, I knew:  UH, Oh,  a cold is coming.

I'm rather pleased with myself. I haven't grumbled too much.  
After all, yup I'm miserable and it's amazing how long nights feel when I can't sleep.  
But "this too shall pass" in a few days.  So I haven't been too especially wimpy.

But I figured, Hey -- what's a Romans 8:28 
that God can pull out of this?  I feel rotten, I can't sing so we couldn't record any songs, I shouldn't go around other people so I haven't been able to go places.  Housework sure ain't at the top of my wish list, so the cats have extra toys to play with (trash can treasures, for example).  Surely there must be something good about having a rotten head cold.
Well, my first thought brought a laugh.  Remember Grandma?
"Feed a cold, starve a fever."
Well there's  exciting good news for someone trying to watch calories.  Permission to eat!
I survived the temptation.  Pretty Much.  And did enjoy the laugh.

But then figured out  the Romans 8:28 of it.
I'm too sick for a few days to enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy friends.
Many Many people are too sick for these for years.  I am blessed.
I'm too sick for a few days to do much outside my thick blanket and soft chair.
Many Many people are sick out in streets, or drafty apartments, under bridges.  I am blessed.
I'm too sick for a few days to feel productive.  To serve God.
But God MAKES us "lie down by still waters."   Psalm 23:2.

God TELLS us to "Be still and know that I AM  God."  Psalm 46:10.
So here's the Parable sorta 
                              of a head cold and a diet:
We can dedicate ANYTHING to God 
           and He WILL bring something good from it.
Father God,  I put myself in Your hands, 
even feeling as weary and in pain as I do.  
And I bless Your Holy Name and thank YOU for 
this remembrance through a simple head cold:
I am blessed by You.
   I REST in You.  And wait on You to provide the health 
    and opportunities to serve You in YOUR power.... not   in mine.  Even when I'm healthy.

©2013 DianaDee Osborne;  all rights reserved.  But feel free to print with copyright info, & share for nonprofit usage!
Other encouraging resources:  http://DianaDeeSongStories.blogspot.com